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Two Walailak University Students Participated in the 8th USLS at UN Bangkok

อัพเดท : 30/08/2560


During 1 – 7 August 2017, two Walailak University students participated in the 8th University Scholars Leadership Symposium at the United Nations, Bangkok, Thailand, organized by the Humanitarian Affairs United Kingdom.

Attended by 907 young leaders from 78 countries, the 8th USLS aimed to provide the next generation of leaders with a vision of how to distinguish themselves as future leaders of the 21st century. The Symposium consisted of the distinguished panel of professional trainers, life coaches and world renowned humanitarian workers. Those of the program will not only motivate the participants but will show them how to realize the boundless scope of their potential and to be an agent of change globally.

Mr. Kanjanapog Rinsin, 3rd year student, School of Liberal Arts (ASEAN Studies Program), said that it was my privilege to represent Walailak University in the 8th USLS. Participating in this program is not only to maximize my leadership skills and my awareness on the global issue but also enhance my interest in multilingualism and cultures.

Miss Saowalak Kwansong, 4th year student, School of Liberal Arts (English Language Program), said that during a week-long leadership development training program, it gave me life-changing knowledge and great inspiration. I have found that I love volunteering work and I would like to make the world a better place to live. “The world cannot wait anymore. If not you, WHO? If not now, WHEN?"