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WUIC Sport day

อัพเดท : 25/11/2562


As part of the Walailak University International College’s (WUIC) week-long 2nd anniversary celebrations, a Sports Day event was organized to bring faculty, staff and students together. Dr Jidtima Sunkhamani, Acting Dean of WUIC, officiated the event, held at the WU Sports center, on a note of comradery and competitive spirit. Grouped using a ‘house color’ scheme, WUIC held a “Chair Ball” game, a novelty sack race, and a finale in the form of a tug-of-war contest. The games ended in high spirits and loud cheers, despite the heavy downpour.

รายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม : http://wuic.wu.ac.th/news/2